Your Cart (0)

- Simply click on the items you want, type in the quantity that you want, and your order will automatically go into your BASKET CONTENTS.
- You can check what's in your BASKET CONTENTS at anytime. You can add items, remove items, and continue shopping at anytime.
- When you are finished shopping, simply click on CHECKOUT. This will bring you to a page where you can CREATE AN ACCOUNT or CONTINUE ORDERING WITHOUT AN ACCOUNT.
- When you CREATE AN ACCOUNT, your information is securely saved and makes frequent or repeat ordering quicker. You will not have to enter all of your information again.
- When you click on CONTINUE ORDERING WITHOUT AN ACCOUNT, you will need to type in your ordering information. This will bring you to a page where you must fill in your SHIPPING information and your BILLING information.
- - If you are sending something to a friend, please be sure to put your address under BILLING.
- - If you are using an address Outside of the US, you have to input a value in the 'other/state/province' field to continue with your checkout.
- - When you are done, click on CONTINUE.
- This will then bring you to a Review Order page. Please look over you order to be sure it is correct. If you wish to make changes to your order during checkout, please click the 'Basket Contents' link at the bottom of this page.
- Be sure to choose the correct form of payment from the 'pay with' drop down box. When you are done, click on CONTINUE.
- This will bring you to the final checkout page. Please review your order one last time and then enter your check # or credit card information. When you are done, click on CONTINUE.
- This is your ORDER CONFIRMATION page.
- You will receive the same ORDER CONFIRMATION page by email to print out and keep for your records. If you do not receive an ORDER CONFIRMATION page by email, do not assume that we received your order. Please email us or call us directly at 1-800-327-5957 EST and let us know if you do not receive that email from us.
- If there is a problem with your order or you forgot to add something, please email us or call us directly at 1-800-327-5957 EST
- Your order will be processed within 24 business hours of your email confirmation.